Our Company

ForShipandYard was established to be a reliable reference tool including equipment and materials, manufacturers and project partners in the Turkish Maritime sector. The purpose is to introduce and  deliver their high quality products ad services to the international and local buyers.

With over 15 years of experience in Business Development, Sales and Marketing, we aim to provide the necessary support to manufacturers to promote and introduce their products to global market. We  support manufacturers to achieve their sales targets.

We assist international sector purchasing professionals who search for high-quality products and services.

In all stages; from marketing to contract follow-up, production monitoring and precise delivery, obtaining approvals from international organizations when requested, in the customer relations, project integration, and solving possible problems whenever occurs, we support our clients.

While providing necessary support to manufacturers , ForShipandYard saves buyers' rights who want to get the best service and to receive universal quality products on time.

Manufacturers have significant duties to meet the increasing needs in the global market. With our belief that fair and positive competition improves all manufacturers in terms of many aspects, our main target is to add value to our customers business and the entire industry.